It was about the folktale of Si Tangang which I believe most of us have read about it during their secondary school time but honestly I did not read it at all when I was in school..LOL.
I think they did a great job in their preparation and performance by putting in the rich and diverse cultures of Malaysia into the show...various cultural dances and performances were being performed such as Malay dance, Indian dance, Chinese dance, Silat Martial Arts, Dikir Barat etc.
But it makes me think that there should be some performance that reflect the full extent of richness of Malaysia cultures by performing Sabah and Sarawak performances such as Sumazau/Sumayao, magunatip, and playing the Sape musical instrument etc. Maybe more Sabahans should come over and study in this university to make this possible! haha..
I did not any pictures because I did not bring my camera so I kind of 'described' about it already.

the poster

vouchers from the lucky draw, 2 vouchers each has the value of NZ$25 to the Rainforest Malaysian restaurant! never gotten so lucky before.
Sabah + Sarawak
Sabah + Sarawak + someone from Selangor 'kacau2'
The Sabah boys
Abang Wira with the Sabahans
Abang Wira!