it's nice to sit back and relax during stressful examination time, but not too long until it affects your grades. once in a while during the exam weeks, I would go to the coffee shop and order a cup of coffee or hot chocolate and some desserts. I'm quite impressed by the way they make their coffee and the taste is nice too. I heard New Zealand is the world's number one in coffee-making. In comparison to the 'kopi diam' we have in Malaysia, they just somehow put the powder and sugar and then stir it and ta dah! kopi o ping, milo ping done. New Zealand has complex methods of doing it with those sophisticated coffee and espresso machine at their disposal. But everyone should also note the starkly different price you have to pay when you order NZ coffee/hot chocolate and Msia's kopi ping/ milo panas. 
hot chocolate with decorative patterns on top of it.

arghhhh chocolate...!!!
i love hot chocolate!!
mmmmmm....yummy...but i've got to go for a diet! stop thinking of food~!
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