Sunday, October 12, 2008

University of Otago

If i think back when I was still in Sabah a year ago, I said to myself, what was I thinking of going to study overseas! It's not as easy as I imagine >.<>

Looking with hope. -_-

Uni tombstone!

studying at library!

chill out!

My Korean friend Daniel Kim Bum Soo

Friday, September 26, 2008

National Service( Khidmat Negara) 2005

Another interesting experience of my life is my participation of the Malaysian National Service. I was one of the 'lucky' ones that was drafted to join this programme and I actually went to a camp somewhere 20 minutes from my house, which is quite near. Moreover, I went there with a whole lot of known friends! classmates and schoolmates.
The purpose of this National Service is not about conscription, that they wanted to train you and prepare for war, but instead it's about how to live together harmoniously in a culturally, ethnically,and religiously diverse society( at least that's what they say, the politicians are hungry in my opinion).
Well, I enjoyed my time there, meeting new friends, always skip marching and training session, even the officer there allowed me to do so, not everyone has such privileges because the officer would normally scold and ask them out if someone skip!

We called ourselves 'the triad'. LOL.

Madam Ooi and Mr.Ong(teachers) visited us in camp.


Community service with friends.

'teethless' trainer.


gangs of trainess.

colourful portrait.

act fierce.

pirates again?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Christmas Carolling 2007

Christmas is a time~ Christmas is a time~ Christmas is a time to love~~~
Although Christmas is still months ahead, I would like to show you guys some pics of the carolling that I joined last year.

Christmas Tree.

that's my 3 8 friend Mr.Ding.

Before we depart.

somewhere in Telibong.

at Mr.Alex Lo's house.

at Ah Heen's house.

wah...look at TunVui's finger. need to be disciplined.

At my house.

Uncle Kwan's backyard. pretty.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Aquarium and my fish

I like raising fish ever since I was a child. Looking at someone's fish tank with variety of fish swimming together was a very fulfilling experience. That's why I conducted a fish raising experiment(2006) to see if I would succeed in fish raising!
My mind told me that I should create a community tank where variety of peaceful fish like mollies, guppies, angelfish, and loaches swim together in a tank filled with aquatic plants. A complete ecosystem at work. Wow, That's how the challenge started and I embarked on a journey to see if I can do it or not! Well, I would show some of the pictures to you guys and enjoy...

Pig nose turtle! rare species of turtle only found in Australia and Papua New Guinea.

It has flippers unlike many other freshwater turtle and tortoise!

red little crayfish.


freedom little turtle!

that's what I called community tank.

schools of different kinds of fish.

my aquatic plants

I got corydoras as well

Night view of my aquarium tank

view in the morning

Angelfish, mollies and lots of other fish


Feeding frenzy!

Eat Eat!

Thanks for watching!

Journey to Brunei Darussalam 2007

I'm not really a traveling person, but travel seems fun for me and I would really like to go everywhere around the world to see what's out there. One of the few countries that I've ever went was our little neighbour, the Sultanate of Brunei! I went there with my cousins and friend on a road trip!
Brunei was a sultanate state just south of the state of Sabah, It' a wealthy nation because of oil. Citizens have free healthcare, free gas, and once, there was a free theme park as well! but this theme park called Jerudong Park would eventually deteriorate and turned into a Ghostown-like situation due to the Sultan's brother's corruption scandal. Oh man, I'm beginning to sound like a politician or something...without delay! enjoy the pics!

6 stars hotel's internal structure.

it's huge and elegant I must say.

outside of the hotel.

with no one is inside the Theme park, we can actually climb out.

our room in 6 stars hotel.

the once free theme park of Jerudong park, now it's like a ghosttown, the roller coaster is broken, pirate ship sold, most of the attractions are not functioning..><
6 stars hotel's swimming pool..

Jerudong Park's only functioning attraction?

Road trip to Brunei, through ferry in Sarawak.

mountains in Sarawak, quite different from Sabah.

my sleepy counsin on the left, and my happy cousin on the right.

I must be watching TV in the so called 6 stars hotel.

fell in to the bathtub.