Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Aquarium and my fish

I like raising fish ever since I was a child. Looking at someone's fish tank with variety of fish swimming together was a very fulfilling experience. That's why I conducted a fish raising experiment(2006) to see if I would succeed in fish raising!
My mind told me that I should create a community tank where variety of peaceful fish like mollies, guppies, angelfish, and loaches swim together in a tank filled with aquatic plants. A complete ecosystem at work. Wow, That's how the challenge started and I embarked on a journey to see if I can do it or not! Well, I would show some of the pictures to you guys and enjoy...

Pig nose turtle! rare species of turtle only found in Australia and Papua New Guinea.

It has flippers unlike many other freshwater turtle and tortoise!

red little crayfish.


freedom little turtle!

that's what I called community tank.

schools of different kinds of fish.

my aquatic plants

I got corydoras as well

Night view of my aquarium tank

view in the morning

Angelfish, mollies and lots of other fish


Feeding frenzy!

Eat Eat!

Thanks for watching!