Friday, May 8, 2009

In loving memory of our grandpa

My grandfather just passed away today(9/May/2009) at 7.30am Malaysian time.

He was already in the hospital for quite a few days and was in a very critical condition. my sister and cousins told me that he was suffering and could not talk even thought he knew what was happening and he wanted to say something. He murmured something like..I'm thirsty, 我很辛苦.

I was told that he was strong, few people could have lasted that long with such condition, he struggled to stay with us for a longer period of time, he has a strong will. I remember my dad told me that grandpa was diagnosed with some disease when he was 59, when I was 1 year old. doctor told him that he had half a year to live. surprisingly, He lived until today which is about 80 year old. God's blessings are abundant in him.

My grandpa was a loving person, always with a smile. When I was in my primary school, he was still strong, always plowing the soil, planting vegetables. conditions changed when I was in my form 6, I noticed my grandpa was not as tough looking as he was suppose to be. and today God has taken him from us. May God be with him always. We love you grandpa.

I'm so sorry that I was not able to make it to visit you in your deathbed.
I hope I could have say the last few words to you.
May you be at peace, God be with you grandpa.

They celebrated his 80th birthday on 30th April, then his medical condition got worse and he left us less than 10 days later. I did not manage to say a word before he left.

November 2008, along with my mom, grandma and my cousins, he was there in the airport to bring me home.

November 2008

February 2009, the last picture of my grandpa I've taken before I go back to Dunedin.


niku-niku said...


samantha said...

sorry to hear about your grandfather. my grandmother passed away a month ago and to be honest, i wasn't that strong about it. well, at least now your grandpa is in a better place with no more suffering :)

WarsongLord said...

sorry to hear about your grandma too.
yea, he is at peace now.

Joseph Tseu said...

My condolence

Visited your late Grandpa at Fook Look Siew

Saw your mum and dad

you mum talk about I am related to your grandma alot that day ... hahahaha ...

refresh my data ... hahahaha ...