Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Proton Saga Kelabu in Dunedin!

This morning, woke up and went to the University to renew visa, but due to some technical problems, it seems that I'll have to do it next monday.....Aw, nothing is smooth lately, but I'll do my best. along the road back, I saw a PROTON SAGA right here in Dunedin! can you actually believe that? so far I think I saw 2 protons in Dunedin, I think those are the only 2 proton..which is 'Made in Msia' in Dunedin! Malaysia Boleh~ then suddenly thought of what Jodia sang in Karaoke, a Dusun song called Proton Saga Kalabu...LOL..funny.

Proton Saga


belongs to a student I think

we called it bomba in Msia


fire trucks

cadbury chocolate factory

chocolate silo? just outside my room

nice sky

the train station in the morning

Hope you enjoy those pics


Velarry Suan said...

NOoooOooOOo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ur kidding me right!???!!! hahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WarsongLord said...

hahah, it's true and it's real! Proton Saga in Dunedin! one of the only 2 around here!

Velarry Suan said...

Wow.... thats serious shit man

Munkee, said...

omg.. =.= no comment.. =|