Tuesday, March 31, 2009

St.Clair Beach and third Otago Peninsula trip 2009 by cycling!

I went for a cycling trip with a bunch of friends from Toroa International House to the Otago Peninsula as well as St.Clair beach. This was the first time that I actually cycled to the Peninsula by bike! the 2 previous trips I joined were by cars. The trip was long because bikes will never be as fast as cars but still it's one of a kind experience. at the end of the trip, we did some barbeque and had some dinner at some playground. fun, pictures below and enjoy.

our cycling trip starts here at the 'tombstone' of Universitiy of Otago

New Zealand!

Peter and I

hey! that's me over there!

everyone with helmet on.

St.Clair Beach

chilling out at the beach

navigating the huge map we have here

Barbecue! Alvin's a great chef

yum yum


ah! trying to eat Peter's food.

the sun was tooooooo bright!

Peter, Alvin and I

Monday, March 30, 2009

An Introduction to my fellows: Moo! Foo! HaChoo!

Another Introduction to my friends eh? Yeap, Today, I would like to introduce 3 of my friends. They are Foo Tun Vui, Moo Herh Tien, and Wong Ha Choo. I've been with them my whole teenage life sharing many life experiences and interests.





Let's start by introducing this 'butthole'! hahaha, just kidding...This guy below here is called Moo Herh Tien. we called him ah Moo which is sort of like a cow or something... I first met him in cyber cafe! back then we're game freaks! but I'm not anymore, but still is! However, despite playing so much games, he's still able to cope with his homework and studies which I find impressive. and yes he's a smart student! got himself in to Matrix and local Uni which I will never have a chance to do so! sometimes funny, sometimes sarcastic, sometimes crazy...that's Ah Moo! keep up the good work Moo, God be with ya!

enjoying his coconut...so happy

handsome bah

Another 'butthole' would be Foo Tun Vui, we would normally call him TumBui or Tanpui if you know what I mean... Actually, I've known this guy since we're in kids because we went to church until now. He's super slothy, super relax, super slow, and sometimes I really get annoyed by his care-free behaviour as if he's not going to care if the sky falls down. can stay at toilet for 1 hour, always late for church and other activities, and very stubborn! But anyway he's still my good pal. Ladies and gentlemen, Foo Tun Vui aka TumBui.

He doesnt normally sing in Karaoke, as if he just pay to listen to us singing.

teaching his cousin bad gesture.

sleep sleep sleep

bad guy

Last 'butthole' would be Wong Ha Choo, what a funny English/Malay for him..Ha Choooo! sneezing! so I suggested to him that you should discuss with your parents to change your name..hahah..just kidding. I first met this guy at form 1 when I return to Tuaran for study.
He seems to know more about politics, history, and general knowledge compared to other ignorant Tuaran teens, but I'm better than him anyway! mauhahahaha... despite all these knowledge, he's also another snail-like person, slow, late and always sleep in class. so I love to disturb him in order to stimulate him to be a faster person. We went to National Service together as well and he's even slower than ever! so, I continue to disturbed! until one day, I gave him a scar on his arm that he will never forget( not my fault!). that's it for Mr.Wong.


mr.gay at the beach

what happens if the moon is full?

Note: guys there are lots of posts here, make sure you take a look on every single post available, would be nice! thanks!

North Borneo League!

Last year, I was wondering am I the only Sabahan in Dunedin? for I've never seen any other Sabahans around here. this question were always in my mind until I met Sharin, the first Sabahan I met here and she brought me to meet another couples of them! I was so excited that finally I'm able to see my brethrens from the Island of Borneo! or specifically North part of it. So, we went to Rainforest Malaysian Restaurant to have our dinner on Saturday. Then I realised that they were 3 Sabahans last year, and one left for Australia. the other two are Fung and Amir. then came along are Syaril and Mark both are health science students under government's scholarship! We chat and talked about Sabah and NZ, and we ate Malaysian cuisine that night. You would not believe the price, nasi lemak costs you rm30! roti canai costs you rm8! but yeap, it was fun and great to see my fellow Sabahans here in Dunedin! pictures below! tell it all!


Syaril from Sandakan and Amir from Damai.

Fung(eating) from KK with Syaril.

Sharin from KK and I.

Mark from Papar with Fung.

cheers for Sabah!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

28-Dec-2008 Tanjung Badak trip

When I went back to Sabah, I suddenly realised that even though I'm a Sabahan, I have never been to any Tropical Islands in my own beloved state, I have never climbed the tallest mountain in our country, Mount Kinabalu. I have not done much in my beloved Sabah after living in it for 20 years! That's why I ask my friend Donald to organise a trip to Tanjung Badak near Rasa Ria Resort so that we can have fun together. I invited church friends, ex-classmates and my cousin along. and pictures will tell the rest of my story...



the sun was shiny!

Banana boat again!


our pondok!

Donald and 'Daisy'

Volley ball...they are all girls!

Tumbui got style!


ah Gang and Hen2

Chau Chun Kiang

Tun Tun Tui

it was not me, i juz wanna take a pic..haha

Wu sisters

being crazy

my 水上芭蕾 performance, everybody paid so much attention! haha

who's faster! splash!

shark and croc!

race ! race!

croc dived in to get that white buffalo!

girls! haha