I went for a cycling trip with a bunch of friends from Toroa International House to the Otago Peninsula as well as St.Clair beach. This was the first time that I actually cycled to the Peninsula by bike! the 2 previous trips I joined were by cars. The trip was long because bikes will never be as fast as cars but still it's one of a kind experience. at the end of the trip, we did some barbeque and had some dinner at some playground. fun, pictures below and enjoy.
our cycling trip starts here at the 'tombstone' of Universitiy of Otago

New Zealand!

Peter and I

hey! that's me over there!

everyone with helmet on.

St.Clair Beach

chilling out at the beach

navigating the huge map we have here

Barbecue! Alvin's a great chef

yum yum


ah! trying to eat Peter's food.

the sun was tooooooo bright!

Peter, Alvin and I